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The TRANSMISSION expertise is concerned with all product and drive-related issues concerning towing equipment.
This expertise focuses on drive components used in road transport. TRTA's members have 10,600 trucks in operation every day which are active across all the various segments of transport. Issues concerning the following elements are dealt with:
  • Trucks
  • Electric
  • Fuels
  • Hydrogen
  • Hybrid
  • Drive systems
The members concern themselves with the issues within this expertise, with Hans den Hartogh as chair. 
Within TRTA, the Transmission expertise fulfills a different role from that of the other four expertises. The aim of this expertise is to ensure that the members are aware of new developments and that experience is shared by and with the members in order to foster the expertise, and innovative potential, of the use of alternative fuels. 
This expertise functions as a unifying factor between various stakeholders with the aim of bringing together the right parties when it comes to these issues. The collaboration between these companies will then have to be built up on an individual basis, whereby the knowledge and experience between these market players can in turn be shared with the members of the TRTA.
Would you like to know more about the ongoing projects of the TRANSMISSION expertise?
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